Grow & Go

Your source for planty wisdom and insight ✨🌿

How You & Your Jungle Can Keep it Real Cool This Summer

Hot dang y’all, it’s been a wee bit toasty outside. 

Or for some, maybe it’s that darn humidity.

Of course, perhaps you live in a more temperate climate that’s just plain gorgeous right now.

Still, I think we can all relate to those seasons or bouts of extreme weather that are less than ideal.

Dealing with these extremes can really suck the energy and vigor outta ya. 

Nah, not me. 

I don’t let the elements stop me from living my best life.


Instead, I let the seasons usher in a refreshing shift in my daily routines - much like the charming variances in the seasonal produce from my garden.

Plants are the masters of listening to seasonal shifts, and changing accordingly. 

Doesn’t that mean your plant care routine should do the same?

In doing so, I’m sure your plants can teach you a thing or two about how to rock this ‘go with the flow’ attitude in all areas of your life.

Today, I’ll be extending some insight on how I have adapted to best thrive, regardless of seasonal extremes. Stick around if you care to hear how you and your plants can keep it fueled, refreshed, and reaaaal chill all summer long.

Adapt With The Days

As the summer solstice approaches, perhaps you’ve noticed how days grow longer, mornings rise earlier, and afternoons heat up faster. 

I try to go with the sun on this one, rising alongside her and starting my day off right. 

While the winter urges me to burrow beneath my blankets, waiting for the first rays of sunshine to chase away the chilly night air...

Summertime mornings hold the delight of a crisp coolness hanging in the air - urging me to seize that sweetness with a bike ride to the garden or park. 

(In fact, that’s what led me to where I am writing this right now.)



Before ya trash this idea all together, consider this option for those of us who simply can’t get to bed very early.

I’m right there with ya, why not seize those cool summer nights?

Consider hopping on the siesta schedule.

If you have the flexibility, it can be really refreshing to split up your sleep schedule. (ex. 6 + 2 hours, 4 + 4 hours.)

You can enjoy all the best times of day, while snoozing through the sweltering afternoon.

Keep in mind, it takes some time to adjust your body - especially if you’ve kept the same consistent schedule for awhile.

(Consider looking into online calculators that help you anticipate the best time to wake up, in accordance with your REM cycle during sleep.)

You’re not the only one keeping watch on day length. Your plants take longer day length as their cue to GET GROWIN’. (exemplified beautifully by the little fiddlehead emerging from my fern above.)

Keep in mind, this directly translates to greater thirst, heavier feedings, and maybe even a repot or twelve. 

Simply being aware of these changes can seriously upgrade your plant care routine. 

This may look like doing a premeditated feeding and repotting party in spring, so your plants can slay all summer long. 

Perhaps this looks like keeping extra distilled water on hand for when those picky plants have their needs. 

Whatever it is, awareness can go a long way in preventing problems before they get out of hand.

Keeping Yourself Well Watered

It’s no secret that water is essential to life (both human and plant.)

So it’s safe to say it’s just as essential to you, and your overall appearance, well being, and output, as it is your houseplants. 

In the heat of a midsummer’s day, one can work up a mean thirst in no time.

So much so, I find myself reaching for that thirst quenching lemonade, invigorating iced coffee, or refreshing iced tea. 


These beverages that feel so dang right, can seriously do our bodies wrong without the proper care. (Kinda like fertilizing our plants, am I right?)

Don’t burn your roots and block water absorption with sugary beverages and diuretics (these dehydrate you and make you pee. Hi caffeinated beverage, I’m looking at you.)

You don’t have to abandon these summertime treats, just be sure you’re also regularly flushing your system with good ol’ H2O.

Much like your plant care, make water consumption a habit and routine.

Keep a full reusable water bottle chillin’ in the fridge at all times, maybe with a sprig of mint or squeeze of lemon. 

Use odds and ends from your seasonal summer produce (strawberry tops, cucumber peelings, leftover fresh herbs, etc.) to create big pitchers of infused water in the fridge - not only instilling better flavor but also better absorption.  

You’ll find you’re so much more aligned with your best self when adequately hydrated, plants are no different. 

If you want to instill some of that same vigor into your plants, you can extend their hydration beyond the watering schedule.

Sending your plants to pamper town with increased humidity will directly translate into better performance during this active growth season (when photosynthesis is working your plants hard).

And aren’t we all rooting for those big plant gains? 

 If you’re looking to go full jungle vibes in your home, consider investing in a humidifier.

 This will take that serene jungle feel to a whole new level, all while keeping those green girls nice and perky. (Because their leaves will have better internal pressure with optimal humidity.)



Once you hit triple digits with the plant family, you may find their demands can really wear a spray bottle down.

(We can only hope your hand muscles will have risen to the challenge and strengthened.)

You have options: you can splurge on a higher quality bottle or get crafty.

I like to repurpose old cleaning bottles or room freshening misters in a pinch. (To clean out any harmful chemicals, a rinse or two with soapy vinegar water usually does the trick.)

Instead of splurging on bottle after bottle at home depot, you can take one of these more sustainable routes.

You can reduce waste through the former, or reuse waste through the latter. The choice is yours!

Don’t get discouraged if this isn’t a feasible option. Why rob yourself the opportunity for some extra quality time with your plants?

I find the act of hand misting plants really instills a little more serenity and space for me in my day to day hustle.

Grow With The Flow

More than anything, this blog aims to illustrate all the wisdom you can gain from your plants.

Facilitate a little more growth in your own life, and tend to yourself like a plant. 

What am I getting at? 

Observe your life, changes in environment or  activity, and anticipate your needs accordingly.

Just like you may feed your houseplants before the active growth season, resulting in greater productivity, the same can be done for yourself. 

Set yourself up for more happiness, productivity, and efficiency. 


Break out of it. 

Modern life grants a lot of stability and consistency in our daily life. Sometimes we get into the mindset of instilling consistency in aspects of our lives that just don’t belong - such as the tides of seasonal change. 

Greater ease can be found by surrendering to the flow, working alongside it rather than forcing routines that only make sense sometimes. 



Be inquisitive.

Shake it up.

Try out new things.

Experience different times of day throughout varying times of the year.

You never know what you may discover.

A beloved new hobby.

An exercise routine that finally makes sense.

A newfound love of sunrises.

Whatever it is, if something in your life doesn’t feel quite right...

Why not take a new spin on it?

Your plant babies may benefit from the occasional switch-aroo as well. 

If the change of day length wasn’t too much to wrap your head around... what about the change in the sun’s direction? 

The sun’s position in the sky is subject to change throughout the seasons.

This means that your houseplant’s southern window exposure may be just marvelous half the year, but digress into a harsh, burning light for the remaining months. 

A lot of this boils down to awareness, which goes a long way in plant care. 

You should spare no mindful eye when it comes down to checking in with your plants regularly.

I can’t say how many times I’ve switched up a plant’s position, pot, or exposure on a whim and been rewarded with an explosion of growth. 

I entreat you to experiment with the rituals surrounding both your plants and daily life.

 Let me know how you’ve done this (or plan on doing this) in the comment below!