Grow & Go

Your source for planty wisdom and insight ✨🌿

How to Find your Passion

Growing up, did you have more than one person tell you that overused old saying? 

“Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

I’d like to propose a slight alternative.

“Have a deep passion for what you do, and you’ll wanna work on it every day of your life.” 

Things we love take work.

 I don’t want to discount that infinite  labor of love we pour into our hobbies and careers. (Which if you’re anything like me, can oftentimes be one in the same.)

I think this saying has good intentions, but it may leave some people feeling a little uneasy. 

(spoiler alert: I used to be one of those people.)


Because if you’re not crystal freakin’ clear on what you have an unending well of love for…

you face the possibility of a lifetime of work.

It’s easy to get in your head QUICK on this one, especially if you have some nutcase tendencies like me. 

But you gotta be realistic and remember...

You’re not searching for the perfect job description or life pursuit out in the great unknown. 

You’re looking inward for the very thing that fills your heart and resonates with your soul.

Today, I’ll show you what makes me tick, and how you can gain some insight on your own inner workings. 

From The Bottom Up

We’re gonna keep it simple and take it way back to the days of our youth. 

As for myself...

There’s always been a tree huggin’ hippie in me. 

Been on that garden grind since the good ol’ days…

Been on that garden grind since the good ol’ days…

Whether it was getting my tiny curls tangled in foliage as I sampled random flowers growing throughout the yard...

Having more heart to hearts with animals than I did kids at school...

Or always finding a very special comfort in time spent outside with mama nature, regardless of age. 

Of course, the altruistic hippy in me had a few run ins with lingering remnants from the 90’s...

(I have a lot more combat boots than any one human being should own…)

(I have a lot more combat boots than any one human being should own…)

This all resulted in the defiant air of resistance I wore proudly - kept nice and fiery with by my deeply rooted passion for nature.

This was most commonly expressed with frequent youthful rebellion...

An ever present distaste for the system that only grew stronger with age...

And some deep seated cravings for change in our relationship with our planet.

We all do some growing up at some point or another…

I dropped some of my more delinquent tendencies by cleaning up my self care, starting my own business, and becoming an overall more active, health oriented person...

I knew I couldn’t keep the punk rocker life up forever..

(At least not by only wearing black and flipping off every cop I saw...)

Or could I?

I knew I wanted to make a lasting impression of peace on this planet, but that didn’t have to translate into booting my inner rebel altogether.

Instead... my inner flower child and punk rock girl would have to learn to hold hands.

Not only this, but use their differences and strengths to our advantage. 

As I’ll share with you next, I guess this turned out to be a pretty stellar analogy for how I found my calling. 

Let Your Inner Child Guide You

Remember when you were a kid? 

You were pretty sure about a lot of things.

You knew how to have a good time.

You laughed and cried, but didn’t get caught up on little things like self doubt or expectations - at least not for long.

As you grow up, these ‘little things’ become so prominent in our minds without us even noticing.

With time... the ‘little things’ grow quite massive. 

Combat your own unrealistic expectations and insecurity not by ‘just growing up’...

Instead, take that golden child-like perspective and attitude to heart.

Sure, be an adult.

But keep that inner child alive and well.

 Soon you’ll find your adult brain getting in your way a whole lot less.

So what does this have to do with finding your muse?

As I shared above... your inner child might have that looooooooong figured that out. 

As a kid, I was so taken with nature, passionate about my morals, and expressive in my creativity...

Now I express myself and connect with my inner child through gardening when...


I stick my fingers deep into the soil and feel connected with something greater.

I anticipate the diverse array of plant colors and leaf patterns, designing beautiful arrangements that inspire a similar love for nature in others.

I analyze a plant’s leaves for thirst, in tune with the hum of mother nature.


I boycott unsustainable systems with sustainable eating and intentional living.


I usher in the change I want to see in our planet, whether it be through guerilla gardening or public outreach.

It took a lot of trial and error for me to rediscover the passions that have always been there. 

It wasn’t until I stumbled into my current pursuits that I realized how familiar it all looked.

Now let’s talk how you can do the same.

Somewhere in The Middle 

People often end up settling in pursuits simply because they’re good at them...

Of course, it’s not as cut and dry as simply finding something you love doing either.

(Because if you suck at it, it may be harder than it’s worth without some adjustments...)

We can really start talking once you find that perfect middle ground... 

Honing your personal strengths in ways that compliment your passions perfectly. 

Here are some feelings to look out for:

  •  You know you’ve found a true calling when it resonates so deeply with your soul that you can practically feel your whole being reverberating with excitement from within.

  • Not only this, but the pursuit of this calling alone drives you to be the truest self you can be.

  • Ultimately awakening those passions and pursuits long forgotten in the distant throws of your childhood. 

You may be thinking...

That’s great and all, I’m sure I’ll know it when I do... but how do I even find it in the first place?

We’ve all been there.

I didn’t go into my college education pining for a career in plants, but I sure did finish my first year with that dream in my heart. 

It all comes down to experiences. 

Haven’t felt anything remotely like what I described above? 

It’s time to start experiencing. 

Take that weird class that piqued your interest.

Delve deeper into your family history.

Try out different pastimes through work, friends, or volunteering in your community.

If you haven’t done it... Go for it!

It was my humble beginnings working at a local plant nursery when I was 17 that planted the seed...


But my college geology professor’s passion for nature that resonated with me.

It was the line of hustler’s in my family lineage that got me down to business...


But my dabblings in art, writing, and the great outdoors that put a purpose behind it. 

I hope this can inspire you to discover the passionate and inspired person within.

Let me know how you stumbled upon a burning passion in the comments below, whether it’s a simple hobby or an all out life pursuit.

Kaylan Rosa