Grow & Go

Your source for planty wisdom and insight ✨🌿

How Breathing Can Help You and Your Plants Make Those Gains

I think breathing is highly underrated. 

And trust me... we’re going to be delving into just that very soon here. But first...

Did you know that plants breathe too?

How Plants Bring Home The Bacon 

That’s right. 

They exchange gases between the air outside and within the walls of their leaves, all through little windows in the leaf surface called stomata. 


This air exchange is essential for photosynthesis - the process by which a plant produces its own food using light and, of course, another very important component...

Carbon dioxide from the air!

This is all part of that glorious service plants provide by cleaning our air.

We all know, or at the very least breathe, the even greater gift we receive on top of that... good ol’ oxygen. 

In a nutshell, plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen - all the while producing lots of chlorophyll to feed that green growth. 


They got their hustle locked down.

So where do we come in here? 

... and how are we gonna get our share of the gains?

After all, plant breathing seems like it does so much more than our ordinary human respiration. 

Or does it? 

Breathe In Hustle, Breathe Out Hassle

I’m calling on you to seriously consider one practice you can instill in your daily life. 

One which will enable your plants to keep on photosynthesizing, all while providing your life with some 140+ benefits along the way. 

I’m talking meditation. 

Allow me to walk you through how meditation can invite loads of abundance, growth, and clarity into both your life and urban jungle. 

The act trains your mind for greater focus, mental quickness, and attention - helping you work smarter, never harder. 

This later helps you achieve ‘flow’, a state of being completely involved in the present moment - thus being able to channel all your energy and skill, without ego or the monkey mind getting in the way. 

Essentially, it’s when you’re vibin’ and it feels like you’re flowing in tune with the rest of the universe. 

But wait, there’s more!

It instills the stuff of success stories, such as heightened creativity and motivation - where it may have otherwise seemed hopelessly lacking.

If that doesn’t sound transformative enough for you… Consider this. 

The act of mindful meditation can actually transform and reorganize entire neural pathways.

In plain english? It helps the mindful meditator achieve increased brain function. 

This directly translates into completing more quality work in more efficient time periods. 

Of course, if you’re not looking to work hard and make those money gains...

That’s okay, there’s more. 

Aside from makin’ those brain gains, meditation offers a great means to achieve a life of ease, happiness, and fulfillment. 

Perspective is key.

Nothing wreaks havoc on your health quite like stress.

Well guess what?

Nothing kicks tension to the curb quite as fast as meditation. 

Oh yeah, that stress response that was sucking away all your energy? Meditation remedies that too, for greater energy to enjoy your day with.

Not only this, but that meditation induced  ‘flow’ state we discussed earlier doesn’t just come handy in the office, it also helps one wholeheartedly notice and enjoy the little joys throughout the day.

Don’t believe me? 

Peep this link here and be amazed.


If you do believe me, let’s talk how we can tie all this together. 

Practice With Plants 

It’s morning. 

The sun comes cascading through cracks in your shades, as your plants luxuriously bask in the morning light. 

At this moment, a lot more is going on than meets the eye. 

Photosynthesis kicks internal processes into motion as the plant begins intaking carbon dioxide, breaking it down to make chlorophyll, and venting out that oxygen byproduct - ripe for the breathing!

What does that mean? 

It’s meditation time, baby!

Sit your booty down, amidst your pretty little green darlings, and reeeeeelllllllaaaax. 

It doesn’t matter whether you have 2 minutes or 20... any bit helps!

  1. Set a timer.

  2. Close your eyes. 

  3. Fill your body with a deep breath of freshly made plant oxygen...

    And exhale a great breath of carbon dioxide for them in return... 

    Allowing your muscles to unwind more with each and every breath...

  4. Remember that meditation is a practice every time your mind wanders...

  5. And practice daily to improve your mad brain skillz...

I can’t say enough good things about this practice. It has positively transformed my life in more ways than I could ever sit down and list.

Learning about the many benefits that ensue has only further driven me to continue finding a little space in my day to day meanderings. 

Meditation is easier to stick with when you integrate it into your daily rituals. 

You may be like me and enjoy morning meditation, to achieve that flow state before the big day ahead.

Inversely, you may find that meditation invokes the most restful sleep when you take your breather before bed.

Whenever you decide, It’s never a bad time to take a minute or two for yourself - breathin’ it out with your plant family for maximum growth and gains.