Grow & Go

Your source for planty wisdom and insight ✨🌿

The Art of Manifesting and Attracting Abundance

The concept of manifestation has become increasingly relevant lately. 

No matter where I turn, I’m hearing inspired individuals talking a big game about simple ways to bring your vision into fruition. 

Whether you believe this talk is some serious magic or a laughable fantasy, I’d argue there’s still a lot of practical progress made through these behaviors of manifesting and attracting abundance. 

It’s like a die hard plant parent believing that their plant really enjoys being spoken to... 

Maybe your succulent is actually enthralled in the gripping conversation...

Maybe not...

I’ll let you believe what you want...

Still, if the plant benefits from your carbon dioxide output during that avid discussion... it technically ended up helping, right? 

Let’s think about these practices of manifestation and attraction in much the same way, whether you think it’s real talk or nonsense. 

I believe these practices can give your vision clarity, help visualize your path forward, and condition your overall mindset to receive.

Don’t believe me? Stick around.



While the mere act of journaling your goals may sound like some foo foo diary shenanigans, it has some serious utility. 

Don’t sell yourself short by underestimating it. 

Our own self doubt becomes so commonplace that it’s often hard to see.

It’s almost impossible to control the inklings of doubt that surface whenever our dreams come to mind. 

On paper, those doubts can be left behind - a physical representation of you filtering out the negative Nancy in your head. 

At the very least, it’ll begin to transform your fantasy into a plan - rather than having the key phases of your mission just floating around in the expanse of your mind.

Your goals deserve more than that, don’t they?

Think about it like a blueprint or a game plan and you’ll quickly see the extent of the benefit it provides. 

Once on paper, you can more easily visualize your path moving forward. 

Trying to achieve your goals without this necessary step is like trying to build a skyscraper without a blueprint or give a killer presentation without having made a single speech outline. 

Perhaps it’s possible... but it’ll be a hell of a lot harder!

Journaling can make your ambitions seem less daunting while helping you identify the necessary steps that must be taken forward. 

Start simply by writing about your dreams and how they make you feel. See where that takes you!

Your journal will further align with your needs over time, maybe developing into a weekly breakdown of steps or self encouraging affirmations to keep your head in the game. 

Along the way, I also recommend grounding in gratitude so you can continuously  see how far you’ve come. This will keep you motivated throughout your journey.

 Regularly practiced, all your newfound clarity will make your dream that much more clear to the world around you as well.



By bringing our vision out of our mind and drafting it on paper, we’re taking that first step of making it a physical reality. 

There’s an arsenal of  fun methods to really clarify that dream outside of your brain, beyond a good journaling session. 

While journaling is a great asset, some of us can really benefit from greater visual appeal. 

Something that regularly confronts you with inspiration and drives you to dig deeper into your dream...

What does it look like? How does it make you feel? Why is it perfectly your own? 

You want something that has you regularly indulging in little daydreaming sessions about all the good you’re initiating in your life.

The more belief you place in your dream, as you continually craft it in your mind, the more realistic it becomes. 

By building a vision board, you’ll watch in delight as each component manifests into reality. 

I’m not saying the vision board is here to do the work for you. (We’ll talk more on that next.)

It’s there for all the moments in between, giving you drive in despair and clarity in confusion.

At the very least... they’re pretty fun to make!

Think about it as a shrine to your aspirations or a reckoning for your victory.

Here you can curate a visual display of quotes, notes, photos, drawings, encouragement  and progress. 

Any goals go, whether it has to do with your career, family, personal development, fitness or hobby! 

Why not all of them? This life is yours for the creating.

Keep it dynamic as your vision evolves. Make sure to highlight your progress while updating it with new approaches and ideas!

Not only does it provide aforementioned benefits like clarity and self belief, but also a well of motivation.

And who couldn’t use a little more of that? 

After all, it’s inspiration which drives us to work harder and inspire others to believe in our vision too. 

The more mind power invested in that dream, the higher the chances that it’ll become a reality -  even if it’s just your own, each morning you  see your vision board.

Your passion is the fuel of your operation, so be sure to make sure to keep that tank full for the long run. 



I think people always associate success with receiving opportunities and value. 

In reality, that’s only half the deal. 

In order to receive your dream and everything that’s come with, you gotta give. 

Whether giving effort towards a mission or value to a customer, you’ll never receive true abundance without understanding this key concept. 

Want to receive your wildest dreams and more

Then you have to learn to give as much as possible.

You’ll find you’re much easier on yourself when you’re always giving your best shot at something.

Have you ever felt REALLY proud of something you completely half assed? 

An entrepreneur can really feel good about their offering when it delivers much more value than is taken. 

Do you really want your customers to feel as though they didn’t get what they paid for? 

This prevents a lot of unhealthy internal dialogue from the get go.  

It’s hard when you feel like you’re giving all the effort and getting nothing in return.

This becomes a slippery slope to the scarcity mindset, which tends to repel any kind of abundance in life.

After all, you gotta be willing to take risks and pursue interests in order to make any real progress. 

How can you do this when you’re nit picking every bit of value you give and take?

You initiate a much needed mindset shift when you’re pursuing the idea of giving more value than you receive. 

As you become comfortable giving more than you intend to receive, you won’t be getting caught up on every little transaction and interaction.

It might not be long before you see those roles reversed. 

After so much time giving effort, value, and energy, people won’t hesitate to give you the value you deserve and more!

That’s because they can finally see that value themselves, rather than having to give a lot just to catch a glimpse. 

Upon looking a little closer, it’s plain to see this underlying transaction of value going on all around us.

You may believe it’s a natural shifting of energy or some karmic relationship with the universe. 

Even without these beliefs, the concepts still work out on paper and provide realistic structures for success. 

However you look at it... If you get really comfortable with giving, then it’ll be that much easier for the world around you to do the same.